OWI/DUI and Traffic Ticket Defense

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Top-Rated & Affordable Wisconsin OWI/DUI and Traffic Defense Law Firm

Johnen & Holevoet Law Offices helps clients throughout Wisconsin defend OWI/DUI or other traffic charges. Call or Message Us Now to find out how we can help.

You may be confused about how the process works and worried about the long-term consequences. Our attorney will help guide you each step of the way and work with you to try to beat the charges or get them reduced. Contact us today to learn more about how we can protect your rights.

Recent News

By sasajohnen November 22, 2017
5 Ways How We Can Help Take Care Of Your Traffic Tickets Wouldn’t It Be Great To Make Your Traffic Ticket Go Away? When you look in the rear view mirror, your day is ruined. You see the red and blue flashing lights. You are being pulled over. As you stop by the side of the [..] The post 5 Ways How We Can Help Take Care Of Your Traffic Tickets appeared first on Johnen Law Offices.
By sasajohnen September 1, 2016
Thinking they are guilty and have no options Forgetting that their car insurance premiums might increase Thinking their ticket in Wisconsin will not be reported to their home state Assuming they must appear in court themselves Believing just paying the fine is the cheapest option Johnen Law Offices can help so you don’t make the [..] The post 5 Avoidable Mistakes Most People Who Receive Traffic Tickets Make, but You Won’t appeared first on Johnen Law Offices.
By sasajohnen January 26, 2015
Wisconsin is one of the few states left where a first Operating While Impaired (OWI) charge is not a criminal offense and, therefore, does not carry incarceration as penalty. Nevertheless, an OWI 1st conviction can result in a number of negative consequences. Fines from $150 to $300 plus court costs, 6 to 9 months revocation, [..] The post OWI First Offense Wisconsin: Do I Need a Lawyer? appeared first on Johnen Law Offices.
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